Your Schedule and Automations feature 

Explore what the Schedule and Automations feature can do for your home, through videos, articles and FAQs.

VELUX App Control installation

How to access and create room automation

How to access and create Scheduled Control

How to access and edit room parameters

Schedule and Automations

In May 2021, we replaced ACTIVE Control with Schedule & Automations – that is your Scheduled Control and Indoor Climate Automations. With Scheduled Control, you can set your own schedules for your VELUX INTEGRA® windows and accessories to fit your needs. With the Indoor Climate Automations, your products will operate based on your indoor climate sensors if you have VELUX ACTIVE with NETATMO. If you have VELUX App Control, the Indoor Climate Automations feature is disabled as sensors are not a part of this solution.

Note: As a VELUX App Control user, you can always upgrade to VELUX ACTIVE by adding indoor climate sensors to your solution.

We have removed ACTIVE control from the VELUX ACTIVE with Netatmo app, however your VELUX INTEGRA® windows and accessories will still work as they did before the update, if you have not made any new schedules in your app. Watch our Schedule & Automations videos to better understand the new feature.
You are not able to use Climate Automation with your VELUX App Control, as this feature operates based on indoor climate sensors. With indoor climate sensors your VELUX INTEGRA® products will adjust automatically based on the temperature, humidity, and CO2 levels of your house and the settings you have made for these. Your personal made schedules for your products will always overrule the Climate Automations.

Note: As a VELUX App Control user you can always upgrade to VELUX ACTIVE with Netatmo by adding indoor climate sensors to your solution, in this way you will be able to have Climate Automations. 

You are always in control of your products. Therefore - because of the delay setting - your First priority controls and Scheduled Control will always run as wanted, no matter what the sensor-based Indoor Climate Automations say.
Learn more about how the delay setting operates through the below table.

Your control method

Time perspective

Weather protection

First priority controls

  • Using slider in app
  • Using a remote
  • Apple Homekit
  • Siri voice control
  • Hey Google voice control
  • Auto close from room view

Run immediately

If it is raining, only open windows to ventilation position

Scheduled Control

Run immediately

If rain, too windy, too cold, too warm, do not open windows

Indoor Climate Automations
(incl. Airing regularly)

Run when the delay time after activation of First priority controls or Scheduled Control has passed.

If rain, too windy, too cold, too warm, do not open windows

Control your home with Schedule and Automations

In May 2021, we introduced the Schedule and Automations feature to our VELUX ACTIVE app.
This feature allows you to create daily schedules that fit your routines.

If you want to air out every 15 minutes as suggested to avoid bacteria floating in the current pandemic time, then this is now possible. 


A new player has hit the market, and as a VELUX INTEGRA owner you are now able to choose from two Smart Home solutions for your INTEGRA products.

In May 2021, the new VELUX APP (KIG 300 EU) was launched. This is a solution for Smart Home users, who want the great benefits of VELUX ACTIVE but are not quite ready for climate automation yet. In this article we will specify the difference between the two products.